Visualize your retired life

Visualize your retirement and create a budget for your retirement

Research reports say that only 15% of people are saving sufficiently for their retired life. This tells that a large number of individuals are not planning for their retirement which is a harsh reality. It is better to start planning early and put things in action than starting late and realizing the mistakes made later. Visualize your retired life and then start planning early.

Avoid or get rid of all your debts

Ensure that all your debts are completely re-paid on or before your retirement. Be it a home loan, car loan, personal loan or any other loan, make sure you choose the term of these loans before your retirement age and then repay them. Only then will you be able to enjoy your retired life with 100% financial freedom, not when you have to repay your loans.

Always have emergency funds and protect them

Emergency situations can happen at any time and the expenses can be very demanding, especially when you get older. So you will need to revise your emergency funds on a year by year basis and enhance them based on inflation and change in your expense levels. They will also give you a sense of security.

Have a budget plan for retirement too

It is good to have a vision in career life and it also good to have a vision for your retirement life also. You need to visualize your retirement goals and create a budget for that too. Retirement means that you will not be working anymore and will have to pay for your expenses. You may need to spend more on travel and medical expenses.

Grow your retirement money

Find out how much retirement corpus you will need when you retire. A good financial planner can help you in finding right answers to your questions and can be of great help in this regard.

Reduce taxes

Your retirement income and corpus need to be tax efficient. You need to pay taxes only for the interest accrued. You will need to carefully select your investment option that can help you in reducing tax in your retired life.

Have enough medical coverage

Plan you medical coverage well in advance because your employer will stop covering you under the group mediclaim. At old age, medical expenses can become inevitable and lack of proper planning in this aspect can create a lot of trouble.

Create a will

To avoid any relationship conflicts among your next generation, you will have to draft a will that will distribute your fixed and financial assets to your legal heirs.

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