Do you need separate health insurance for your parents?

Most salaried individuals are content with the health insurance cover for their parents under employers’ group schemes.  This may not be adequate because inflation in healthcare is estimated to rise about 12-18% per annum.

Its best that elderly parents have separate covers because chances of claims are higher and this leaves very little sum insured for the other members.

When there are both group and standalone health covers, your parents will not hit the pre-existing illness limit at any point in time and you can also retain no-claim bonuses on the independent policy.


  • Employer group covers are easier to obtain since it is under the corporate cover route and the claim settlement process is smoother.
  • Covers offered by employers cease to exist the moment you switch jobs.
  • Check out senior citizen’s policy if your parents happen to be senior citizens as they have shorter waiting periods.
  • Look at top-up covers to enhance your parents’ coverage, as they are cheaper than independent covers.
  • The earlier you buy a policy for your parents, the better will be the benefits.

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